BMI Calculator: Body Mass Index

The BMI is calculated by dividing your height by the square of your weight. It gives an indication of the balance between you height and your weight, and may be useful to initiate adjustments to your habits if needed.
Our BMI calculator is free to use and easy to read as you can interpret your result directly on the gauge.

It is applicable for both men and women.

Your BMI

Adult BMI interpretation

IMC < 15 Very severely underweight
15 < IMC < 16 Severely underweight
16 < IMC < 18.5 Underweight
18.5 < IMC < 25 Healthy weight
25 < IMC < 30 Overweight
30 < IMC < 35 Moderately obese
35 < IMC < 40 Severely obese
IMC > 40 Very severely obese

Warning about the use of BMI

The BMI (IMC in French) is only an indicator among others and can't justify by itself changes to your diet, without first consulting a medical doctor.

Child BMI calculation interpretation

For children, BMI interpretation is based on graphs representing percentiles of children at the same age. There are no fixed ranges like for adults as children's corpulence normality varies depending on their age. Consult a medical doctor if you have any doubt about the corpulence of your child.